Contributions granted in 2023

To implement the provisions of art. 7 "Annual financial ceilings - ordinary resources" of the Criteria for the granting by the Civil Protection Department of contributions to organized volunteering in the three years 2023-2025 outlined in the Decree of the Head of Department of Civil Protection rep. No. 1472 of 30.05.2023, it is announced that:  

The total amount allocated for the funding of proposed projects in the year 2023 is € 3,500,000.00, of which:   

  • 50% equal to € 1,750,000.00 for the national quota   
  • 35% equal to € 1,225,000.00 for the regional quota  
  • 15% equal to € 525,000.00 for the local quota  


Concerning the additional amounts resulting from accrued expenditure savings available on the plans for replenishment and enhancement of operational capacity provided for in Article 4 of Decree rep. No. 1472 of 05/30/2023, the Department will publish the amounts through notice upon completion of their review.