Contributions granted in 2023

Here, we publish the lists of projects submitted by the third sector entities registered in the Central list of the Civil Protection Department eligible for funding for the year 2023. Projects referring to this year must be submitted by the provisions of the Criteria for the granting of contributions in force for the three-year period 2023-2025.

The publication of these data and their extraction in open tabular format are provided for in Article 26 of Legislative Decree No. 33/2013, as amended.

According to the criteria for the granting of contributions 2023-2025 stipulated by Decree of the Head of Department of Civil Protection No. 1472 of May 30, 2023, the Department may provide:

▪  funding up to a maximum of 75% for projects related to the enhancement of operational capacity (means and equipment);
▪  funding up to a maximum of 95 % for projects related to improving the technical preparation of volunteers, disseminating civil protection culture through training and information to the population, and the involvement of organized civil protection volunteers in the civil protection planning activities of municipalities.
The Department shall provide organizations with an initial advance payment equal to 50% of the contribution granted after adopting the decision to grant contributions and its publication.

A possible second advance payment equal to an additional 30% of the planned contribution is granted upon the request of the proposing organization, which must send to the Department - via certified email - fiscal documentation proving that at least 50% of the project has been completed. The remaining balance is granted, again at the request of the proposing organization, upon completion of the activities. The organization must send, again via certified email, the final financial statement to the Department, including documentation showing the total expenditure sustained for the realization of the project.

To implement the provisions of art. 7 "Annual financial ceilings - ordinary resources" of the Criteria for the granting by the Civil Protection Department of contributions to organized volunteering in the three years 2023-2025 outlined in the Decree of the Head of Department of Civil Protection rep. No. 1472 of 30.05.2023, it is announced that:  

The total amount allocated for the funding of proposed projects in the year 2023 is € 3,500,000.00, of which:   

  • 50% equal to € 1,750,000.00 for the national quota   
  • 35% equal to € 1,225,000.00 for the regional quota  
  • 15% equal to € 525,000.00 for the local quota  

Concerning the additional amounts resulting from accrued expenditure savings available on the plans for replenishment and enhancement of operational capacity provided for in Article 4 of Decree rep. No. 1472 of 05/30/2023, the Department will publish the amounts through notice upon completion of their review.